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地址:北京市朝阳区工体北路8号三里屯SOHO D座26层

Regal sports (Beijing) Management Co. Ltd, which originally founded and invested by Regal International Sports Investment Group Limited(Hong Kong), is a media management company that sustainedly specializing in sports related industries. We are dedicated in exploring and enhancing the value of sports venues as the media carrier. With integrating the domestic first-class resources we are continuously performing as a sophisticated, professional and dominant communication platform in venue media management industry. Recently, we have been authorized by around 100 venues to manage and carry out agency operations on. Meanwhile Regal Sports & Media has already become one of the most competitive interactive media operators in venue management field.



The need for venue operations experts in China has increased
as sports have become more popular.----《The New York Times》


To maximize the commercial value of venues, the company has made large investments into high-definition & full-color LED panels which cover more than 100 square meters. We also developed various types of advertising media in and around sports venues, helping sports venues in China to become more influential brand carriers. Regal is also associated with several sports organizations in China and abroad, supported by government departments, and dedicated to the introduction of professional sports events, performances and cultural entertainment activities.


策划研究团队 Planning and Research:
Regal aims to maximize its research and analysis capacities to realize the value of all venues under management.


价值评估团队 Statistics and Evaluation:
Regal has developed a professional valuation model, which includes hardware facilities, location, markets zoning, and culture, media, sports development among other evaluation indicators.


整合营销团队 Marketing and Sales:
Thanks to Regal’s strong customer relationships and international sports event resources , the company provides enterprises with services including sports venues branding, event marketing, sales channel development and maintenance. Regal constructs an integrated marketing platform for companies (brands) and consumers, distributors, media, general public, and local governments.


媒体传播团队 Media Resources:
Our team is dedicated to various venues, types of sports events and business conferences to provide customized consulting and media promotions services in order to establish long-term stable relationships with mainstream media.


LED项目团队 LED Project :
Services cover projects on expanding, evaluating developing and constructing the outdoor large-screen LED panels,equipment maintenance and routine debugging.


赛事组织团队 Event Organization:
Responsible for the introduction of excellent competitions, sports events, popular theatrical performances, exhibitions and other kinds of activities, fully shares resources of our event activities.


海外拓展团队 Overseas Development:
Regal has contacts with the major sports marketing companies, international organizations, professional clubs, and famous agents.


商务推广团队 Business Promotion:
Regal uses its strategic institutional resources, to provide planning services and management advice to venues for activities, publicity, marketing and commercial events.


投融资顾问团队 Investment and Financing consulting:
Regal works alone or with investors, funds, or banks, to attract investments to venues One way to do this is through the introduction of strategic partners, utilization of venue property and purchasing TV broadcasting rights, etc.




  • 所在地区:北京-朝阳区
  • 地址:北京市朝阳区工体北路8号三里屯SOHO D座26层
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